boundary layer dynamics 边界层动力[学]
absorbing boundary condition anisotropic absorbing boundary condition 吸收边界条件; 凸缘角
(Non-)Zero Boundary condition (非)零边界条件
∑3 boundary ∑3晶界
∑3 sub-grain boundary structure ∑3亚晶界结构
∑3~n boundary 自动广播控制系统; ∑3~n晶界
1st order slip velocity boundary 1阶滑移速度边界
2-D compressible boundary layer 二维可压缩边界层
2mth-order boundary value problem 2m阶边值问题
2nd transparent boundary conditions 二阶透明边界条件; 二阶吸收边界条件
2nth-order two-point boundary value problem 2n阶两点边值问题
3 D boundary 电荷密度波; 三维边界
3D boundary layer 三维边界层
3-D boundary-fitted coordinate 三维贴体坐标
3D-turbuIent boundary layers 三维湍流边界层
∞-Point boundary value problem 无穷多点边值问题
a boundary layer theory of shell buckling 壳体屈曲的边界层理论
a pipe near a boundary 近壁管道
a problem of boundary value 边值问题